Thursday, August 03, 2006

The more I read traditional marketing literature, the more evident is that marketing cannot match the needs of firms if it uses customers as its starting point, and object for activities.

My suggestion is that companies should service practices, instead of customers. This helps companies to bec0me less fragmented in the operations. Customers are very different, whereas practices can in many cases be universal.

For instance, the practice of listening to music, is a practice that is served very well by Apple (Ipod and Itunes). The practice related to this is not specific for certain segments, but an universal practices that a big portion on the population in the western countries are more or less involved in. The notion of mass practices gives an opportunity for mass products.

I am writing something on this, and searching for similar cases as Apple. Any ideas? Are there other companies that have been able to empower some universal behavioral logic, and does not need to fall into fragmentation and differentiation of products. Help needed.


At 8:20 PM, Blogger BoHarald said...

Talking about books: after having enjoyed the Wisdom of Crowds which of course is relating strongly to what Battele wrote in The Search. All of this very relevant ingredients in the practises service providers should focus on.

Daniel Gilberts Stumbling on Happiness is good reading when understanding the sometimes illogical behaviour we come across. Then we have Yochai Benkler with The Wealth of Networks - how social production transforms markets and freedom - much adding to Cluetrain observations by Teemu.

At 9:29 PM, Blogger Oskar Korkman said...

Good suggestions!
Must get into those books you are mentioning.


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